God’s Signs and Wonders versus Satan’s Signs and Wonders

What are they? What are their motives and purposes? How do we discern the differences, when they seem so similar?

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Who Were the Nephilim?

Who were they? A satanic hybrid or just extra-tall human warriors? Do they appear today? Should we obsess over them? This post also has a modern angle and is pastoral.

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1. Gifts of the Spirit in Early Church Fathers

These are the written testimony of the church fathers before or a little after the council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. They teach that the gifts were for their days, after the apostles died.

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2. Healings and Deliverances in Early Church Fathers

These are the written testimony of the church fathers before or a little after the council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. They teach that the healings and deliverances (exorcisms) were for their days, after the apostles died.

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Who Were the ‘Sons of God’ in Genesis?

Who were the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6 and elsewhere?  I updated it yet again!

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John 10:34-36 and Psalm 82: Who Were the ‘Gods’ and ‘Sons of Most High’?

Who were the “gods” and “sons of the Most High” in Psalm 82:6? Whom does Jesus say they were in John 10:34-36? Many commentators offer their opinion, and they are unanimous about who they were not. Now what about–who they were?

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Angels: Their Origins, Abilities, and Nature

Renewalists (Pentecostals, Charismatics and Neo-Charismatics) believe that angels appear to people in their dreams or in person, even today. It is God’s ongoing ministry to us. But we must get our biblical doctrine straight, or we can stray.

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Satan and Demons: Personal

This post covers Satan and his attack on people—even you at times. And so can Christians ‘have’ a demon or be demon-possessed or demonized? Can we rebuke demonic rulers over a city or region?

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Works Cited

Here is a list of the principal works referenced or used at this site. More will be added as time goes on, so please check back.

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