What Is Redemption in the Bible?

This is an easy-to-follow word study in Hebrew and Greek, with all the words transliterated into English. And then redemption and ransom are applied to our lives today. Also, was Christ sent to ransom “many” or “all”?

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Is the Atonement for ‘Many’ or ‘All’ People?

This is a study on “many” in Matthew 20:28 and Mark 10:45 (The Son of Man ” gives his life a ransom for ‘many'”). We can further ask, did Christ die only for the elect (limited atonement) or for all and everyone (unlimited or universal or general atonement)? To answer those questions, I also review other atonement passages.

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Your New Identity in Christ

People struggle with their identity in Christ. Satan and their own minds tell them they are no good, because they have sinned too many times for God to forgive them. They are worthless and useless to God and his mission for them. However, here are verses that proclaim who you are “in him” or “in Christ”. (I often also include other prepositions.) Let these biblical truths enter your heart and mind and reject the self-destructive thoughts. Renew your mind with Scripture!

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Why Doesn’t Divine Healing Happen One Hundred Percent of the Time in This Age?

This post is a biblical theology discussion. If you are fighting for your or someone else’s healing, I advise you to skip this post. Read it later when the outcome of your fight is final, and you need to understand what the Bible really teaches about healing. (I updated this post yet again. In this post, I also answer whether healing is in the atonement.)

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Does Acts 13:48 Teach Divine, Hard Determinism?

In this context, ‘divine, hard determinism’ means the people had no choice but to believe and be saved. God ‘appointed’ them to eternal life. In other words, are Calvinists right to use this verse as one of their most important prooftexts? (I updated this post.)

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Basic Biblical Regeneration: What Is It and How Does It Work?

You must be born again. But what does that mean? Does anything result from rebirth? Or do we just stay the same? I also cover Romans 7:13-25. (I updated this post.)

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The Lord’s Supper in Synoptic Gospels + Church Traditions

We cannot answer all the questions in this overview, but we can exegete the Lord’s Supper in its original context in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. This post also looks very briefly at 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 and 11:23-34 and John 6:35-59. Then, what do various churches teach about the Lord’s Supper (or Communion or Eucharist)? I am here to learn. I updated this post with information that startled me. I also learned something new from Exodus 12:14. Once more I updated this post!

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What Happens at Judgment to People Who Never Heard Gospel?

I used to teach world religions for a number of years. I learned that even though many people never got the chance to hear the gospel, they still lived impressively moral lives. What happens to them at judgment?

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What Is the Gospel?

How can we proclaim it if we don’t know what it is? After a basic definition offered just below, the gospel also has multiple parts to it. Let’s see what they are. (I recently updated this post.)

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What Do Romans 8:28-30 and 10:8-13 Teach about Predestination?

God initiates. We respond. We need both passages to clarify and balance out the other one. This is an old-school exegesis (pronounced EX-uh-gee-sus or ex-uh-GEE-sus), which means a close reading or analysis of a text.

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Why the Blood of Jesus?

Postmodern man after the Enlightenment (1600-1800+) does not like the bloody part of Christianity. Of course this man is shortsighted. This post answers the question and lays out the efficacious benefits of the blood of Christ for our salvation. It also answers whether it is biblical to “plead the blood.”

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What Is Biblical Forgiveness?

If you sin regularly, this post is for you. God hurls your sins into the sea and remembers them no more. An old fashioned word study and basic Bible study, with lots of biblical verses put in an easy-to-read format.

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Remaining a Christian or Falling Away?

In the old days, this used to be called the “perseverance of the saints” (believers). All that means is the persistence of Christians to keep their relationship with the Lord. So the related question often comes up: Can a truly born-again believer walk away from this relationship?

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What Is Righteousness?

It seems confusion dominates discussions about the righteousness of God. Is it imputed? Imparted? When does it mean vindication? Justice? Holiness? Declared not guilty? Putting things right? All of the above? Find out what the Old Testament and New Testament say!

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What Is Penal Substitution?

This theory of the atonement or the significance of Christ’s death on the cross has come under attack of late. And maybe some sermons and illustrations of it have been out of line. But this theory of the atonement is still biblically valid. Here’s why.

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Christ’s Death on Cross = Cosmic Child Abuse?

Critics say: “God sent his Son to the cross and poured his just wrath on him? Would any loving Father do that? It’s cosmic child abuse!” True or a misunderstanding?

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Works Cited

Here is a list of the principal works referenced or used at this site. More will be added as time goes on, so please check back.

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